====================================== A u t o M a p p e r - Releasenotes ====================================== AutoMapper 1.0 can be freely distributed. AutoMapper is copyright © 1997-98 by Jan Barnholt. URL: homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Jan.Barnholt/AutoMapper Changes since version 0.9: - Wavenames can be changed using 'r'. Names will be changed on the TX16W simultaneously via MIDI dump. - Waves/Timbres can be shifted using '+', '-', 'u', 'd' or buttons. - Use cursorkeys to move within the listview gadget, Space to toggle on/off - Use to test sound via MIDI - Most buttons are reachable via shortcuts.. Contact: I've spent quit some time on developing AutoMapper. As long as I get feedback from the amiga community I'll continue development of AutoMapper on AmigaOS. If you like AutoMapper and want to appreciate my work, feel free sending me some 'highlights' of your personal TX16W library via email ! Send any comments to: barnho00@marvin.informatik.uni-dortmund.de Special thanks: I have to thank Chris Jeffery from the TX16W mailing list for his great help discovering the secrets of TX16W system exclusive ! Special thanks also to Muki Pakesch who run's the TX16W site and mailing list (www.t0.or.at/~mpakesch/tx16w) for maintaining the site and discussing many TX16W details. ..and YAMAHA for releasing such a mind-boggingliy - as well as almost totally wrong documented - SysEx-Implementation...